Lighthouse-Elko History of Events
How did it all start you ask….?
December 1993
Dan was contacted by Jim & Krissa Force about starting a Bible Study in Elko.
March 13, 1994
First Bible Study at Wendy King’s house. A few months later we moved to Cathy Jewel’s larger basement.
September 11, 1994
Rented the Leotard Corner (a dance studio), on Railroad Street between the Palm Saloon and the Tiki Hut bars, and began Sunday evening services.
November 1994
Sunday morning services started; we had very interesting ministry opportunities during that time.
July 7, 1995
Pastor Dan & Becky Romans moved from Twin Falls, Idaho to Spring Creek, Nevada.
June 1997
Began leasing Industrial Way warehouse. Again, growth dictated that we start looking for a new meeting place. Commercial property was at a premium in this area. By finding our present location with the same landlord/owners as at our downtown location, we knew that God’s fingerprints were all over it.
November 23, 1997
After much work, gallons of paint, and many answered prayers we had our first Sunday Morning Service in our Industrial Way location. Having our own space allowed for expansion of ministry opportunities: Sunday school classes, Vacation Bible School (VBS) every summer, concerts, sing-spirations and more.
November 2000
Marsh Miers came on staff as a full time Associate Pastor and Youth Pastor. God helped Mike & Debby Lassiter pass the Youth Ministry Leadership “baton” on to Marsh & Maxine Miers. Our Lord has been faithful in continuing to establish, mentor, and grow the Youth Ministry at Lighthouse.
Purchased Industrial Way building in June. The owners wanted to sell and offered it to us first; which sounded great, except we needed a huge down-payment. God spoke to an obedient heart to give a very generous donation and we have been buying, not leasing, our current building. In September, a mission team was sent out to the country of Honduras to minister to Pastors and their wives. Our Mission Team’s return home was delayed due to the tragic events of September 11. As a nation, we gathered to mourn, encourage, and battle in prayer for our country and all those who were personally affected by this event.
LCF continues to host Vacation Bible School (VBS) each summer; this year’s theme was Son River Canyon. Several young hearts are surrendered to Christ, as well as rededications. Pastor Marsh received his ordination. The LCF youth group, along with two other youth groups, travel to Mexico to build homes for two families. Once again, a team is sent to Honduras to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and minister to the church body.
An LCF Mission Team was sent to San Vicente, Mexico. Work was done to complete a men’s rehabilitation center while the majority of the team held Vacation Bible School (VBS) in the city park each afternoon. A VBS grand finale closed out the week with great strides made to reach the people of Mexico with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. LCF sanctuary gets a splash of color.
LCF celebrates its 10th year as a church; Yippee! Son Games VBS is a big hit; children from throughout the community attend. For an added ministry opportunity we took our VBS on the road to Casper, Wyoming to help out a new church with their first year of VBS.
Ministries continue to thrive as does the congregation. Several Lighthouse couples we this year. Crusader of Light (COL) Youth Group is off to Sacramento, California for Acquire the Fire (ATF).
Church office and the Pre-K Sunday School classroom get a makeover. COL host a “Mystery ‘Who Dun It’ Dinner;” John Wayne, Sonny Bono, Sammy Davis Jr., Lana Turner, and many others showed up for the occasion. Monies raised were used to send 40 COL members and chaperones to San Francisco, California where they spent 2 days at ATF being encouraged and built-up in their faith. The remainder of the week was spent working in a local Mission as well as street witnessing, delivering meals to shut-ins, and praying for the city of San Francisco on the steps of the City Hall.
Foyer gets new doors and a touch of paint. Looking’ good! Begin to give some attention to the Annex. Will eventually migrate some of the Sunday School classes over to that space.
Work in the Annex area continues.
Son Rock Kids Camp (VBS) continues to be our biggest outreach and it expands to include Elko First Baptist Church. Working together, we saw several children surrender their lives to Christ. PRAISE GOD! Members of Lighthouse participate in the Thanksgiving Day Outreach, hosted by Elko First Baptist Church. Hundreds of meals are prepared, served, and delivered to families in the Elko area.
COL Youth hosted the first-ever Cookbook Cook-Off. Several members prepared a variety of dishes that were judged and voted-on by those attending. This event was the kick-off to Lighthouse Youth publishing their first cookbook; “Taste and See.” Ladies hosted “All Things Are Possible” Retreat at Cowboy’s Rest Christian Camp & Retreat Center. It was a weekend of rest and encouragement. “Rain Forest” VBS is a great success. Several booths were set up at LCF for participants of the Christmas SNoah’s BazaArk, where crafts, clothes, and tasty foods were for sale.
The Youth’s cookbook “Taste and See” was published and has been a great success; the sales helped to provide funds for youth members to attend camps and conferences. LCF supported Cowboy’s Rest Camp & Retreat Center by organizing and attending a “Work Camp;” were we successfully poured concrete in the snow and started building a miniature gold course and completed several other clean-up projects. Ladies Ministries hosted a retreat at Cowboy’s Rest; special speaker was Cindi Barber of Oasis Christian Center in Round Mountain, Nevada. Lighthouse is invited to join other ministry teams in the newly formed Jail Ministry Outreach. A ministry suggested and organized by the Elko County Sheriff’s Department. Several water babies took part in a 4-mile float trip down the Humboldt River; starting out on Last Chance Road and ending up at the Errecart Bridge.
God is so good to us and His love for us never diminishes or fails. There are opportunities all around us to share His love and goodness. As we step out and share His message, we will see great things take place. I can’t wait to see what He will do in our community this year. Be praying and stay tuned-in!
Many have called LCF their home over the years. Some of our family and friends have moved away and some have gone home to be with our Lord. We have seen lives radically changed; people renewing their commitment to Jesus, missionaries sent out, strong friendships established, marriages restored, and young people serving Jesus.
As a body of believers, let’s agree in prayer for LCF; that the Lord would continue to confirm in the hearts of many the direction in which He would have us go. We continue to grow in numbers and in blessings. There is never a shortage of work or ministries. Pray for called and committed workers and for continued wisdom and discernment for our leaders and Pastors.
The vision at LCF-Elko is to teach the Word of God and equip the saints (you) for ministry. We are a church built on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ. We, as a family of believers in Jesus Christ, desire to be a light in a dark place. So let your light shine! God Bless…